Saturday, February 18, 2012

Character Design and Unity

    Well, this week we had to turn in a plot analysis of a game that we would choose to expound upon. I chose Final Fantasy X, a personal favorite of mine. The plot involves the main protagonist, Titus, on his journey as he finds himself in a world 1000 years in the future from his own. He encounters an entity Sin, a monster which ravages the continent and it seems to be tied into his whole predicament. The picture for the analysis and it's design is in the picture above if you wish to view it. Now, as for my game I've been sketching out some character designs. Some of the character designs I have are of rough designs for some enemies in the game along with a more developed design of the main character, Dan. I've been experimenting with the built in physics of the inputs for the in game objects, which for the most part seemed very promising. I chose Unity as opposed to flash, because flash would require me to create and input the programming manually, which would be time consuming for what I have planned. I should have some sketches for the level design by next week as I start designing the level in Unity. Enjoy the work I have posted up so far!

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