Thursday, April 26, 2012

My Journey: Finishing

     This is has been an interesting semester with plenty of hurdles to overcome. Development was a big issue, as I had to manage my time in a way where I could prioritize efficiently. I had to watch plenty of tutorials in order to work with Unity to make the level. I admit that it definitely was a struggle to learn the program, but I got the level designed, however I did end up having to use models to represent what I wanted in the level, since modeling takes more time to do then what we have available. The design was of the beginning sequence in the dream world. The world is laid out with the village to the east and a castle of a nearby kingdom to the west. Far north lies a mountain range that spans across the countryside. I had to use a pre-scripted character to represent Dan, but it worked out fairly decent with what I had to work. I ended up having to color many pictures by hand, since vectors took too long. I was amazed that I managed to accomplish what I did, but there were so many drawbacks. If I could of improved anything it would be focusing on what the core of my game is in my presentation. I have this well covered in the design doc, but unfortunately I was not able to explain it as well to the professor. I did enjoy the experience very much and I hope the journey continues in future exploits. 

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