Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Continuing Level Design and Character Design

Last week I managed to create a rough working demo of the game I'm developing. Most of the figures I have inserted into the demo are representational until I can make my own models. The design is based off the dream world level I am creating. I have a rough grassy landscape, with a tree to the left, a castle in back, a village off to the right and some mountains off in the distance. If I can get a snap shot of the design I'll post that up at a later date. The figure I used was a ready made model that was pre-scripted. If I have the time then I will modify it to look more like Dan, but that's if I can squeeze it in with the limited amount of time in continuing to develop the prototype. I gave a animated presentation, displaying the character stretches I've created so far. I'm in the works of making a storyboard with the plot that I've developed so far. The sketches I made for the characters are in the pictures above.  The first picture is of one of the characters that I've created to be part of a gang that attends the school that Dan also attends; Kingston High School. The crew is called the Road Raisers Crew and the crew member I've drawn is Ice. The leader's name is Spike (The guy in the picture below with the mohawk). The other pictures are include Dan's love interest (Lisa Monroe),Dan's chemistry teacher (Whitney Morus), and Crawler (the lead antagonist in Dream World). I've got a character map for those interested into delving more thoroughly into the specifics.

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